My dear fellow adventurers,
As I sit here atop my leather throne, overlooking the vast expanse of the jungle, I cannot help but feel a primal connection to the raw energy pulsating through every leaf, every branch, and every living creature living within my thick body hair. But what fuels this indomitable spirit? It is not just the raw power coursing through my veins, nor the primal instincts that drive me to beat on my chest for no reason. No, my friends, it is something far more intoxicating than that. It is the elixir of life itself, the nectar of the gods: coffee. The dark ambrosia that ignites the fire within, sharpening my senses and invigorating my soul. As I sip from my humble mug, the rich aroma envelops me like a warm embrace, awakening primal heartbeat. To all you intrepid souls who seek adventure in the great unknown, you should try some. Embrace the wildness within you, and let your wild energy force you out the door.
- Gentleman Silverback

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              You sure you don't want
              to get WILD like this guy?
              You sure, sure?
