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As I sit here amidst the hazy dawn, a realm I have often neglected in favor of my nocturnal dumpster diving, I find myself compelled to pen this letter to those who, like myself, have danced in the shadows, bathed in dirt, and sought shelter from the sunrise. For the notorious late sleepers, such as myself, seeing the sunrise for the first time was a transcendental journey from the depths of darkness to the pinnacle of illumination. It was a life-changing experience fraught with bleary-eyed wonderment and a touch of existential reckoning; I suspect the fermented foods I devoured moments earlier only helped heighten this experience.
In this moment, I realized the sunrise is more than just a ball of fire, shooting rays of light at us to ignite mental migraines—it is a revelation, a clarion call to arms in the eternal battle against complacency and mediocrity. It is a reminder that life is fleeting, that every moment is precious and meant to be savored with a fervor bordering on madness. Do not shy away from the dawn. Embrace it. Revel in its splendor. Allow yourself to be swept away by the raw, unbridled beauty of the sunrise, and let it fuel your insatiable hunger for life. For in the end, it is not the darkness that defines us, but the light we choose to chase in its wake.
- Trash Panda

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              to get WILD like this guy?
              You sure, sure?
